Alfas at the Glen 2010

Alfas at the Glen 2010
Courtesy Edd Mangino

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Off-season musings and Holiday Greetings

Over the off-season, a true racer's mind turns to one thing; "what's next year's schedule looking like?"

A delightful part of my job is speaking to a number of magazine editors, club officials, shop owners and drivers about the inevitable ebb and flow and the trends of vintage and historic racing in the US. Everyone has a different perspective, not more or less important than the others, just different! Some people look forward to seeing their friends at events they've attended for years. Others try a new course in another part of the country or make pilgramages to special marque gatherings and features.

Sure, there are people wringing their hands with regard to the ongoing economic uncertaincy, but there is no one I know of who is seriously scaling back their plans for next year. It's almost as if the ability to transport themselves to their favorite place, behind the wheel of their beloved cars, sharing a drink with their old friends after a delightful dice on track, brings them peace and contentment.

Often, the only fix we have is either racing simulations (like the superb GT Legends, rFactor and the terrific iRacing) or the plethora of good domestic vintage and historic racing magazines to tide us through the winter.

I love Dan Davis, the indefagitable booster and cheerleader of vintage racing from the perch of his magazine, Victory Lane. I appreciate the high vantage proffered by "D. Randy" Riggs of Vintage Motorsport. I admire Casey Annis of Vintage Racecar Journal, a man who has truly created something worthwhile from the "ground floor." Mostly, I am pleased with the success of the newest publishing magnate focused on the sport we all love, Tim Suddard, of Grassroots Motorsport and Classic Motorsport.

In this day and age, it's easy to get cynical about the endless negative news cycle. How to fix it? Head over to Barnes and Noble or Borders and buy yourself a magazine! It's cheap entertainment, you may know many of the playersin the articles and pictures and it will certainly stoke your fire to go racing in the New Year.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkuh and check those lug nuts!

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